Hello! I'm Angel Azpitarte.


About me:

I am a Software Engineer at Boeing working on different Simulation and Virtualization projects. I graduated from UC Irvine with a B.S. in Computer Science.

I am interested in developing my programming skills, whether it’s design or nitty gritty low-level systems engineering 😊

My interests include programming, art, memes, and music ♫


Here are some of my programming related skills listed by familiarity:

Non-programming related skills:


Boeing: Real-Time Software Engineer

Boeing logo

My time at Boeing has been amazing were I have had the chance to focus on the development of my programming skills. Most of my time here has been spent helping in the development of highly modular, distributed simulation executive writting mainly in RUST.

Some of my other tasks have involved performing maintence on a large legacy code base and even developing new features for that system.

Currently focusing on enabling our Virtualization teams by creating automation tools for analyzing our code bases.

Azuqua: Software Development Engineer Intern

Azuqua logo

At Azuqua I was an intern that mainly focused on helping resolve issues reported by clients. This lead me to developing skills for dealing with high pressure dead lines and creating good compromises.

Part of that focus led me to suggest a design and implement a simple error logging system that would schedule and run regression tests daily. This helped catch some edge cases and reported some errors before any clients reported them.

NavFeel: Emotional Search & Recommendation project (2018)

Images of the login, new entry, and calender page for NavFeel

Images of the search, search results, and recommendations page for NavFeel

Implemented an Emotional diary and analysis tool that provided basic search and recommendations to the users of the application. My four person team coordinated the version control using Git.

A custom python script was used to generate realitic data for date, times, locations, and temperatures. The Twitter API was used to collect text that would correspond to a certain emotion.

The user interface was developed using Android Studio mobile application. The emotion button images were created using Inkscape which is free open-source image editing software.

The middle-end was made using Java servlets, this component helped process the backend database (MySQL) requests coming in from the mobile application. The web requests were tunneled into our webserver using a tool called ngrok.


Traditional Search: Web Crawling & Search Engine Project (2018)

Images of the web crawler summary and a preview of the webcrawler output.

Images of the parser/tokenizer source code and output produced by the search engine

Wrote a webcrawler to crawl the ics.uci.edu domain. Recorded analytics about the frequency of outlinks, dead-ends, crawler traps and more. The crawler used the spacetime-crawler, a python framework, as a base for the crawler.

I implemented a basic multi-threaded version of MapReduce to help parse and index about 1.0gb of data in 10 minutes. The parser combined some python libraries like lxml and some regx to filter web information.

The Search Engine ranks web results based on it's weighted tf and weighted idf score. The engine can also handle multi-word search queries.

The front-end was designed using a popular python library called tkinter. The links results were also made into hyper-links so that users can see results in their default browser.


Fablix: Full-Stack e-commerce site (2017)

Images of the login page for Fablix

Implemented a fully scalable movie ecommerce website that can perform to the standards of most high traffic sites. This was acheived by load balanceing several instances of Tomcat using an Apache server.

Most of the website content was retreived by parsing through a large XML movie dataset.

We deployed the site on the AWS cloud platform. Our site was very sercure by using practices like https and reCAPTCHA for user authentication.

A corresponding Android Mobile App was also made with similar functionality to the Fablix website.


Programming Art: with python PIL library (2015 - 2017)

Python programming art image 1
Python programming art image 2 Python programming art image 3
Images above made using parametric equations
knn gradient based image knn discrete color image
Visual representation of my custom knn algorithm

The first three images were all produced programmatically using a simple set of equations that ultimately produced a beautiful output.

Wrote a naive implementation of a knn algorithm that uses a set of overlapping gaussian distributions to classify a data set.

All these images were created by using Pillow (formerly known as PIL) a Python image manipulation library

Graphics programming: with OpenGL

gif of solar system programming
Small toy model of the solar system

I wrote a 3D graphics program using the OpenGL API. I created a system of equations that would create a heuristic model of the solar system planets and the Earth's moon.

I used the 2011 standard of the C++ programming language. I wrote the program to adhere to object oriented programming principles.


MICP: Microsoft Interview Coaching Program (summer 2017)

timeline of events for MICP
timeline of events for MICP
sceenshot of github profile CATCH c++ library
1st: screenshot of repositories related to MICP. 2nd: screenshot of CATCH library

Worked with full-time experienced interviewers from Microsoft for 8 weeks to learn the basics of the interviewing process.

TEBOW IT: Test Examples Brute Force Optimize Walk through - Implement Test

Started off with the basics of programming such as strings and integer manipulation and ended with algorithms, data structures, and object oriented programming. All the lessons where given by an experienced full-time software engineer at microsoft.

I was coached to use TDD (Test Driven Devolopment), I choose CATCH as my C++ testing platform. We were also given lessons on source control using Git and github.
